Heart Machine Service: ‘Get You’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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Here’s what appears to be an exciting new Swedish act. We say “appears to be“, because we’re basing that notion entirely on one song – their debut single ‘Get You’. But we think that’s a pretty fair statement to make anyway, because ‘Get You’ is quite fantastic.

They’re Heart Machine Service, made up of two Swedish ladies, Sofi Bonde and Kim Logan.

‘Get You’ is a soft and sweet song, with an adorably beautiful melody to it. This is paired together with some heartbreaking lyrics. Not OTT heartbreaking, more an accepting-that-this-is-the-way-it-is-and-oh-isn’t-it-a-shame kind of thing. And it’s all the better for it. Just wait until the 1:03 mark where the second verse kicks in, and then……yep – it hits you that this is something quite special indeed.

It’s not yet out on iTunes unfortunately, and we have no idea when it will be either. However, the full thing is streaming below anyway. Splendid;


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