Zhala: ‘Slippin Around’

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  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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Here’s something a little bit different.

We very much fell in love with this song that found its way into our inbox last week. A Swedish singer Zhala who has just released her debut single ‘Slippin Around’ (loss of the letter ‘g’ – artist’s own).

Look, apologies for literally copying and pasting the press release, but Zhala’s ‘people’ do a perfect job of summing up the beautiful audio enigma that unfolds before your ears. And besides, we’re rubbish at describing this sort of music. So here it goes;

“The sound of Zhala, recollects the shimmery times when Pop Music was bloody serious (actually, we don’t like that line, it’s a bit wanky – Scandipop) and there were no barriers between fine arts and popular culture.

Her first single “Slippin Around” is a bitter sweet hymn of atmospheric sound weaves, theatrical choirs, broken Electronica, rugged Lo-Fi drums and above all, the stunningly clear pop tone of Zhala’s voice.

With Stockholm as the physical base, but with the mindset of a modern day Transnational, Zhala’s music is futuristic, Cosmic Pop mixed up with Witchcraft Indie – for the ones who grew up with a little bit of everything, whether it was Rave, Bollywood or RnB.”


Listen to the song below, and that’s exactly what you’ll hear.

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