What’s this? The wonderful Miriam Bryant is back with a brand-new single, the music video for which she released today – ‘NERÅT/UPPÅT’.
Ah nice, a double a-side! Nope – just a song title with two words separated by a forward slash, actually.
What’s it like? Don’t be fooled by that downplayed opening, this one’s got an almightily epic chorus on it – one that is veritably chanted loudly by the time the song is in its final thirty seconds. A proper climactic rouser, this one.
Written by? Miriam Bryant and Adam Olenius, produced by Elias Kapari.
More from Miriam? Earlier in the year she released ‘Du Med Mig’. We weren’t big fans of it, so didn’t feature it on here – but if you wanna check it out, it’s right here on Spotify!
You can find ‘NERÅT/UPPÅT’ on our Best New Pop playlist.