What’s this? Agnes has today released the music video for her latest single ‘Goodlife’.
What happens in it? She delivers some truly eye-popping retro disco elegance, to match the tone of the song.
What’s the song like? Well following on from last year’s comeback, she’s continuing the trend and delivering the disco fabulous goods. This is a triumphant symphony of disco strings and rousing lyrics – performed beautifully by Agnes. Geniunely brilliant.
Written by? Agnes herself, along with Vargas & Lagola and Cathy Dennis.
More from Agnes? Underneath the music video below, you can watch her performance of ‘Goodlife’ on Skavlan’, and also of ‘I Trance’ and ‘Limelight’, from the QX Gala last month.
You can find ‘Goodlife’ on our Best New Dance playlist.