Useful Tips Every DJ Must Know

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  • Post category:Music Discussion

Looking at Disc Jockeys, it is enviable how they live their lives. Talk about just playing music as it suits the occasion and being paid for it? They are living the life, you will think! For music lovers, being a DJ may seem like a job that will come naturally to you. Sorry to burst your bubble, it is not a job for everyone, including all music lovers. 

Nonetheless, a DJ’s career can be filled with so much fun, perks, and entertainment; however, it is still fraught with its own challenges. We will take you through useful tips to help you wade through your growth in this career. 

Have an Ear For Good Music Selections 

Blending songs into the other is great, but do you know what is even better? Good music selections that your audience love. This is the elixir for that feel-great vibe your audience gets after you DJ at an event. Do work on your ability to identify songs your audience will love and work accordingly to give them just that.

Know Your Audience 

The above point is invalid without understanding this tip, knowing your audience. This helps with selecting the appropriate songs for the event you have been asked to come to play. You can not be booked for a children’s party, and your song selections are filled with those for a club night with lewd lyrics. The bottom line, know your audience, and the songs to be selected will fall in line. Watch them, dance with them, and synchronize with their vibes.

The Right Equipment

Good music selections are great, knowing your audience, even greater, but the right equipment ties it all together. It is what sets you apart from anyone who plays from their mobile devices. David from DJing Pro says the right equipment is the platform whence your DJ skills thrive off. Plus, you do need to get most, if not all, equipment a DJ needs. There are amazing options for affordable equipment to buy if you are financially challenged. You really can not trust your learning on blog posts and YouTube. You have to keep practicing and practice some more. Even the best DJs still practice. More importantly, know when to sell off your equipment for an advanced one as you grow on the job.

Ignore the Competition

Being a DJ is also to be in constant comparison with other DJs. It is a competitive field, no doubt, but if you are going to stand out, you must learn to shut the noise from the comparisons and competition. The most crucial focus should be playing your best for your audience, one event at a time. Your attention should never be to what other DJs are doing or what they think about you. Your undivided attention must be your audience and your audience alone. This way, you are committed to doing your best for them. 

Be a gear geek

This encompasses both the right equipment and all the other electricals involved. This is the geeky side of DJing. You need to be a geek in this area because you need to know how electricity works, the right cables to use, the right plugins, how to wire things up, what to do if there is a technical mishap, etc. You need to pay attention to what the sound or technical engineer does. Yes, it is their job, well yes, you need to know those also.

Promote Yourself

Throw that cliché out of the window that you need to know someone before you get good gigs. Truly you need to network, but your success is not tied to this alone. You must promote yourself through various platforms, like social media, etc., because if you do not, no one will do it better than you will.

Consider everything from the price of the right equipment to purchase, to getting good gigs, and acquiring the right skills to stand out in this competitive field. With these tips, you are now ready to soar in your career as a successful DJ.

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