Tommy Fredvang: ‘Kom Igjen’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

TommyFredvangKomIgjen e1398592162245

Norwegian singer Tommy Fredvang has this weekend released his new single and video. It’s ‘Kom Igjen’.

It actually sounds quite Roxette inspired. Synth rock with an intricate production that veers from downbeat towards epic, while seemingly drawing its influences from a mix of different genres. He’s made a pop song that doesn’t really sound like anything else on the radio right now, while still sounding quite now. And his ever-sexy vocal growls its way through the aforementioned uncertain terrain of the music, accentuating it rather than singing over it. Tommy and his song go very well together.

As is the way with Tommy Fredvang videos, it features him in some level of clinch or another. The theme of this one is light bondage. Nice. And in it, The Chest also makes an appearance. Very nice.



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