Together feat. Daphne: ‘Believe’

  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release


There’s an exciting new dance music collective that’s just been conceived in Sweden. Over 150 Swedish producers have all gotten together to create a song, and release it. With 100% of the proceeds going to the charity Hungerhjälpen, which has been made famous recently thanks to incredible support (to the tune of 1 million EURO) from Avicii and his manager Ash.

They’re called Together. And their first release is ‘Believe’, a commercial house track with an uplifting female vocal. We ain’t the biggest dance music aficionados in the universe (the clue is in the title of the site), but we know what we like. And commercial house tracks with uplifting female vocals are very much our ‘thing’. They are the pop songs of the dance music world (we know enough not to go calling that world EDM, the non Americans don’t like it when you call it that).

The mind boggles slightly as to how 150+ producers work on a track like this. And how they all get together to decide to do it in the first place.  So we asked one of the producers on Together, Michael Casado, to give us a bit of an insight into the process. To simplify it a tad.

“So. We have a closed group on Facebook. The idea came like “let’s do a song” and people jumped on board from just being like a handful to over 100″, says Michael. And how is the conception and production of a track like this handled? “Well we did it in a similar way to Avicii x You. We had a numbered “to do” list. So first we started with chords. People uploaded their own chords and the rest of the members voted. The winning chords then stood as a foundation. Then the same thing was done for the melody. Then bassline, beat, fx, etc. People uploaded and the group voted for the best one. Then came voting on a name for the group, logotype, Facebook top image, etc. Then lyrics were written and the vocalist Daphne was already in mind before we even got a “yes” from her. She was the choice from day one. So we were really happy she said yes. Then when all the parts were done, it was mixed and arranged by a member with full trust. So 100 people weren’t in the studio – but all helped in their way. With writing chords or melody or voting, feedback , ideas, graphics, tricks and tips. All contributed in some way”.

The song won’t be available on iTunes, as Together want ALL proceeds to go to Hungerhjälpen. So instead, they’ve made it available on Bandcamp – as that means they can control and donate 100% of the income. People can also select how much they want to pay for the song. From 10SEK (around £1) to, well, however much they want to pay for it.

Purchase the radio edit and/or club mix, and support Together and Hungerhjälpen, over at Bandcamp.


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