The Fooo: ‘It’s Time To Make A Wish’

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  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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Sweden’s biggest boyband dropped a seasonal surprise on their fans on Friday. A new single. A Christmas single! ‘It’s Time To Make A Wish’.

‘Tis an endearingly innocent and fun pop song with its heart in the right place. And it’s a proper Christmas tune in that it has bells over it and is all festive and stuff. It’s pretty instant, thanks to a chanting hook. And it has an ‘old skool’ boyband charm to it. This is one you can sing along to with a great big smile on your face after a few Xmas tipples. Although given that most of their fans are teenage girls, it will probs be sung along to minus the booze. But that’s fine cos you can still do that too.

it’stime – tomakeawish“,



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