The Fooo: ‘Build A Girl’

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  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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We’ve written a fair bit about box fresh new Swedish boyband The Fooo, over the last few months. Introductory tracks ‘Kangaroos’ and ‘Man Overboad’. And then their first “proper” pop song ‘The Link Up‘. But we’ve just realised that we hadn’t afforded any proper attention to the song that’s for all intents and purposes their first single, and the best song from their debut EP which has just been released. It’s called ‘Build A Girl’, and we think every pop fan needs to hear it.

Anyone else who feels like One Direction moved on from the sound of their first album all too quickly (‘Best Song Ever’, while still very good, is just nowhere even near as incredible as ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ was, and even ‘Live While We’re Young’ seemed like a step down in terms of quality), should seek solace in what The Fooo have produced with ‘Build A Girl’.

It’s classic boyband material. Simplistic in melody, but it’s a hugely strong one, at that. And the whole thing is very innocent in tone too. It’s so basic, but really brilliant at the same time.

The Fooo have been growing and growing in popularity for the last few months now. And ‘Build A Girl’ would initially appear to be what it was all leading up to – as it’s undoubtedly the hit from their new EP, both in terms of sound and in terms of iTunes and Spotify success. But the fact that they’re not even calling it a single, and are playing the whole EP down as a kind of “buzz EP”, leads us to believe that there’s even better to come in the very near future. And that’s very exciting. Keep your eyes and ears on these chaps.

Back to ‘Build A Girl’ though, of course it wouldn’t be a track from The Fooo without the charming flashmob-esque video of them performing the song, allowing it to go viral (almost 400,000 YouTube views at the time of writing). And here they are performing the song at Sommarkrysset (which made the song go a little bit huge in Sweden).

If we could build a pop song, we’d build it just like this;



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