The Arctic Wife: ‘Constancia’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

TheArcticWife e1361349448324

A brilliant debut single from a brand new Danish pop duo. That’s what we like around these parts.

Into our inbox yesterday popped this masterpiece, ‘Constantacia’ by The Arctic Wife. Impossible to categorise, this one. It flirts with electro, synth, indie, and pop, and with a big old thundering piano played alongside some bombastic guitars. Coupled with some spectacular melody work delivered by her intriguing vocal, and you’ve got an almighty debut single that commands attention and heralds the arrival of yet another super group from Scandinavia.

This is one of those press-play-again-as-soon-as-it-ends affairs. And it last for a whole 4 minutes and 20 seconds. Listen out for that ph’nom post-chorus. Listen out for it all.


More on The Arctic Wife over at their Facebook page.

Watch the video below. And mercifully, they’ve released the track outside of Denmark too – iTunes link under the vid.

Constancia - Single - The Arctic Wife


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