Swedish Idol winner 2011 – Amanda Fondell: ‘All This Way’

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Swedish Idol 2011 drew to a close last night and found its winner – Amanda Fondell.

She’s the third female winner of the show which has run for 8 seasons, after Agnes took the title back in 2005 and Marie Picasso in 2007.

Time will tell how her career will pan out. Previous Swedish Idol graduates have gone on to achieve big domestic success, with a select few having a shot at international careers. But equally, others have been forgotten quite quickly. Here’s a look at our top 20 favourite Swedish Idol contestants of all time. For now though, we’ve got Amanda’s single – ‘All This Way’.

Written by Arnthor Birgisson and 2004 Idol graduate Darin, it’s currently sitting at number 1 on Swedish iTunes. As is tradition with these sort of winner’s singles, it can be described as a rousing mid-tempo ballad. Positive and uplifting in message and ear catching in melody. Both the music and her vocal could be interpreted as a cross between Adele and past Swedish Idol alumni Amanda Jenssen – and as comparisons go, that’s probably the best possible one for her to start her career off with right now.

Here we are then;

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