SONG: Ulrikke – ‘Young’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? One of Norway’s finest, Ulrikke, is back with a brand-new tune for us all to fall in love with. Her latest single ‘Young’.
What’s it like?We’ll stay young“, she trills, via a chorus melody so gargantuan and anthemic, that in all likelihood, keeping it in regular rotation in our lives could well assist with maintaining that youthful outlook of optimism about life. We’re sure going to try it, at least.
Written by? Ulrikke herself, along with Helge Moen, Jim Bergsted and Josh Oliver.
More from Ulrikke? Speaking of choruses with a touch of the stun to them – check out this beauty from May if you’ve yet to, ‘Love You To Love Me‘.

You can find ‘Young’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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