SONG: Tvilling – ‘Dum Dum Dum’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? Danish artist Jon Nørgaard has released his first single under the moniker of ‘Tvilling’. And it’s a big one.
What’s so big about it? It’s a big n’ banging interpolation of the ’90s Swedish classic ‘All About The Money’ by Meja!
What a tune. And he’s paid it the ultimate homage, by naming his song after the best part of the original – ‘DUM DUM DUM’.
Dum Dum Du-Du-Dum-Dum! That’s the one.
And it works? Wonderfully. The original is only really taken and used in the chorus – and he’s made it fit in seamlessly with the rest of the tune he’s created.

You can find ‘Dum Dum Dum’ on our Best New Dance playlist.

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