SONG: Stockholm Noir – ‘Island’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

One of the best acts to come out of Sweden this year has for us undoubtedly been the enigmatic Stockholm Noir. And following on from ‘Hopeless Dreams‘ and ‘Boy Like A Girl‘, they’re now back with a new single. It’s ‘Island’. And Christ almighty, they’ve certainly turned the tempo up a notch or ten. Though their genius is further cemented for us by the revelation that despite changing the pace of their sound, they’ve not lost any of their appeal. In their own words, ”Island is an intense song, both musically and lyrically that takes a step toward clubs and dancefloors. It is not impossible that Stockholm Noir will enter the stage in the nearest future, and Island is a good sample of how a live show can sound like.

You can find ‘Island’ on our Best New Dance playlist.

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