SONG: Sigrid Bernson – ‘Livet 2.0’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? Sigrid Bernson, fresh-ish from her much publicised break-up with Samir Badran, has released a single about starting a brand-new chapter in life. ‘Livet 2.0’.
What’s it like? Chin-up break-up anthem it is not. Instead, it plays out like an attempt to drag out summer that little bit longer, sounding like something you would expect from an Ace of Base 2.0. Precisely what your September needs, really.
Written by? Sigrid herself, along with Victoria Voss and Martin Bustgaard Granlund.
More from Sigrid? Earlier in the summer she released  ‘Skulle Dö För Dig‘, which we’re still giving plenty of time to.

You can find ‘Livet 2.0’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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