SONG: Rasmussen – ‘Higher Ground’

Who? You’ll be seeing a lot more of this gent in May. Last night Denmark selected him to represent them at the Eurovision Song Contest with his song ‘Higher Ground’. Meet Rasmussen.
Again, who?! Jonas Flodager Rasmussen. Leadsinger in the band Hair Metal Heröes. And of musical theatre fame. THAT Rasmussen.
What’s the song like? An epic Nordic ballad. Of the rousing, mid-tempo variety. With the song and the performance, it looks like Denmark are single-handedly bringing a Viking invasion to Eurovision!
Written by? Niclas Arn and Karl Eurén – two of the three gents behind Timoteij’s seminal ‘Kom’!

You can find ‘Higher Ground’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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