SONG: Molly Sandén – ‘Alla Våra Smeknamn’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? Some brand-new music from Molly Sandén. Earlier in the year she released her latest album ‘Det Bästa Kanske Inte Hänt Än’, to huge critical and commercial acclaim. And now she’s gone and released a bonus song for it. ‘Alla Våra Smeknamn’.
What does that mean? All Our Nicknames.
What’s the song like? A dreamy beauty that fits perfectly onto the album yet serves well as a fresh new bit of pop mastery to keep us all happy.
Written by? Molly herself, along with Victor Thell, Maria Jane Smith and Kevin Högdahl.
More from Molly? Last night she performed the song live on the latest episode of Idol, which you can watch below!

You can find ‘Alla Våra Smeknamn’ on our Best New Pop playlist.


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