SONG: Miss Li – ‘Utan Dig’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? Brand-new music from whom is one of Sweden’s most reliable bringers of behemoth pop these days, Miss Li. This is her latest single ‘Utan Dig’.
What does that mean? Without You.
What’s it like? An impressively big and bouncy tune that aims stratospherically high in its hopes and ambitions of joy and grandeur – and hits ’em without missing a beat. Her most triumphant slice of Swedish pop majesty since ‘Komplicerad’.
What does Miss Li say? “‘Utan Dig’ is the song where I release all my issues. ‘Utan Dig’ is the song where I shake off that little devil who sits on my shoulder and pushes me down and tells me that I’m not good enough. ‘Utan Dig’ is the song where I dance out my anxiety all night and don’t care about tomorrow. ‘Utan Dig’ is the song I always wanted to write, but did not manage to get it out of me until now. ‘Utan Dig’ is probably my favorite song on my album that will be released this autumn.
Written by? Miss Li herself, along with Sonny Gustafsson.
More from Miss Li? At the end of September she’ll release her new album ‘Underbart i All Misär’.
And there’s an English version of the song, right?
There’s an English version of the song, right? If there is (like there has been with all her previous releases), it’s slipped off the release of this single today. But it’s been confirmed that will be an English-version of the album released. So if ‘Without You’ doesn’t come out in the coming days, it should be on the album at least.

You can find ‘Utan Dig’ on Best New Pop playlist.

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