SONG: Mags – ‘As Long As We’re Both Breathing’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

(photo: Petra Kleis)

What’s this? Some marvellous new pop that’s made its way out of Denmark this morning. The latest single from Mags – ‘As Long As We’re Both Breathing’.
What’s it like? It sets out to be anthemic in the biggest way possible – and hits each of the many marks it has set itself along its way. The likes of Carly Rae Jepsen and Sigrid are both good reference points here – but this song stands up alongside the very best of both artists. And in pop terms, you don’t get much more impressive than that.
What does Mags say?I wrote ’As long As We’re Both Breathing’ as my modern take on the famous words “till death do us part”. It’s about the declaration of love – to stay together for better or worse. “As Long As We’re Both Breathing” is a song that emphasises the importance of communication and understanding as the keys to balance between love and hate in any close relation – two very different feelings that are often very close to each other on the emotional spectrum.
Written by? The artist herself, along with Laurits Christiansen and Oliver Cilvik.
More from Mags? Earlier in the summer she released the also highly splending ‘I Can’t Get Over You‘. An EP will follow in the autumn.

You can find ‘As Long As We’re Both Breathing’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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