SONG: HON – ‘Hatar Att Vara Kär’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? The first new release of 2021 from one of 2020’s most darling newcomers – Swedish artist HON is out with her latest single ‘Hatar Att Vara Kär’.
What’s it like? An animated and uninhibited bit of storytelling from HON, showcasing her fun and coquettish side.
What does HON say? “Of course it’s fun to be in love! But honestly, who does not hate to be in love. You know when you meet someone for a while, you kind of hang out all the time, meet each other’s friends and you’re a thing? But still not quite. The intermediate position. The worst and most glorious thing there is. No one dares to fully show their uglier sides and no one dares to fully show who they are. What if the other has not had time to fall in love yet? If we do not feel the same, if he pulls away? Everything unsaid is bubbling over and the whole body is screaming and must know now if you are real or pretending.”
Written by? The lady herself, along with Natali Noor and Aniela Eklund.
More from HON? At the end of last year she released ‘Kär i Oss‘ – a duet with another awesome Swedish newcomer, Alex Järvi.

You can find ‘Hatar Att Vara Kär’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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