SONG: Hilde Selvikvåg – ‘Fanga Heile Verden’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? The brand new single from Norwegian artist Hilde Selvikvåg. ‘Fanga Heile Verden’.
What’s it like? Well as well as being a superb song, we are extra keen on this one because a lot of it – particularly the backing vocals and how they are incorporated into the song – remind us of a classic Cheiron production.
Written by? Hilde herself, and produced by Hilde, along with Bulleiv Wee and Børge Fjordheim.
More from Hilde? Her new album, of the same name, comes out on September 28th.

You can find ‘Fanga Heile Verden’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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