SONG: Full of Keys – ‘Don’t Look Back’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

Swedish artist Full of Keys makes her triumphant return to pop today via this absolute masterpiece. New single ‘Don’t Look Back’. It brings the drama in spades, resulting in a compelling and delightfully instant number that makes an almighty impact. The chorus is spectacular! Speaking about the song she says: ”I had an idea I wanted to write a parallel story about a relationship crashing but also surviving a zombie apocalypse. Things are hanging over you like a dark cloud but you still get the fuck out of there and keep on moving.” Though to be honest, if this song was playing while a zombie apocalypse was going on, we’d be staying where we were until it was finished.

You can find ‘Don’t Look Back’ on our Best New Synthpop playlist.

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