SONG: Felicia Takman – ‘Nåt Dumt’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? New music from one of 2020’s best new artists – Sweden’s Felicia Takman. This is her latest single ‘Nåt Dumt’.
What does that mean? Something Stupid.
What’s it like? Purposefully low-key pop with a distinct electronica underbelly. Stylish in its subtlety, it reminds us of another Swedish tune made in the same mold that we loved a lot, released last summer – Julia-Lotta’s ‘Ja, Nej Eller Kanske’.
Written by? Felicia herself, along with Anton Engdahl and Mattias Jonsson.
More from Felicia? This is her second single of 2021 – check out January’s ‘Vit Månad‘.

You can find ‘Nåt Dumt’ on our Best New Synthpop playlist.


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