What’s this? Finnish girlband F3M managed to WOW us earlier this year with the release of their debut single ‘Bananas’. And now, they release the follow-up. New single ‘In The Sauna’.
Naughty. Not *that* kind of sauna!
No, I meant cos social distancing etc. Oh, right. Well we can only assume the “you and me in the sauna, that’s what I wanna” lyric alludes to longing for the days when it can happen. So they’re abiding by all the rules, as far as we can tell.
What’s the song like? A great big whopping banger! It merges piano house with the sort of funked up pop that made us fall in love with their debut. And it proves that said debut was no fluke. These girls are just the ticket.
Written by? The girls themselves (Hanna Ollikainen, Viivi Sopanen and Miranda Sahiti) along with Olli Äkräs and Rafael Elivuo.
You can find ‘In The Sauna’ on our Best New Dance playlist.