SONG: Emma Steinbakken – ‘Sorry’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? Norway’s Emma Steinbakken is back with a new tune – her latest single ‘Sorry’.
What’s it like? There’s no easy way to say this – but we’re getting major Song of the Year vibes from this one. If we get a more bombastically euphoric pop tune than this before the end of the year – well then we’re in for a superb autumn.
What does Emma say? This a song about a relationship with my Ex. He’s a great guy who instantly fell in love with me when we first met. I had a crush on him, but I wasn’t smitten by him despite him being funny, handsome and very kind. My mum thought he was gorgeous, all my friends loved him, everyone around me wanted us to be a couple, which resulted in me feeling guilty. I secretly hoped that I was gradually going to be in love with him, but it didn’t happen. To get rid of the crippling feeling of guilt, but also to clarify why I had to end our fling, I wrote ‘Sorry‘.”
Written by? Emma herself, along with Cato and Kent Sundberg, Dagny, Emelie Hollow, Espen Berg, Lasse Michelsen and Simen Matre Eriksrud.
More from Emma? For something a little different from her – check out this haunting song in Norwegian she released back in February, ‘Jeg Glemmer Deg Aldri‘.

You can find ‘Sorry’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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