The Ping Pong Song? You can blame Enrique Iglesias for that, not Efraim Leo.
Why is Enrique Iglesias being dragged into this? For the uninitiated amongst you – or just the young amongst you – Efraim Leo has covered an Enrique Iglesias hit from the mid-‘oos.
What’s he done with it? Interestingly, he’s taken a song from that era and given it a makeover in a totally different style that was also really popular in that era – radio-friendly punk-pop! And it actually works rather well, too. That chorus pops in a whole new way.
What does Efraim say? “‘Do You Know’ is a great song that I remember hearing on the radio as a kid. The chorus has such a nostalgic melody that makes it into a 2000s classic and I really wanted to make my own version of the song. It really fits well with my upcoming music and this is a way for me to show people where my sound is heading.”
More from Efraim? A new EP is on its way. But until then, you can check out his previous single, ‘Somebody Else‘.
You can find ‘Do You Know (The Ping Pong Song)’ on our Best New Pop playlist.