SONG: Dolly Style – ‘FRKN PERFECT’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? The Dolly Style lot are back with their first new music of 2020. New single ‘FRKN PERFECT’.
What’s it like? After dabbling around with sounds (true story), they’re back to a classic, bubblegum Dolly Style sound. A triumphantly joyous chorus belting out over a light electroPOP production.
Written by? Palle Hammarlund, Emma Nors and the Dolly Style dolls themselves!
More from Dolly Style? We are still not over the majesty of ‘Sayonara‘. Probably never will be, tbh.

You can find ‘FRKN PERFECT’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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