SONG: Briskeby – ‘Rookie Mistakes’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release


It’s been a while! It’s been 10 sodding years! But to mark the decade anniversary of their last album, Norwegian group Briskeby have reformed, gotten themselves back into the studio, and behold – released a brand new single! ‘Rookie Mistakes’.
What’s it like? A very instant and melodic synth track that plays out like a winsome teen rock love ballad. There’s a lot to like here, and we’ve been coming back to it a lot over the last couple of weeks since its release.
What did they get up to on their break? WELL. The lead singer Lise Karlsnes launched herself a rather amazing solo career. She even almost made it to Eurovision – competing in Norway’s Melodi Grand Prix with the song ‘Sailors‘. Check out her other tunes right here.
More music soon, right? As well as shooting a video for ‘Rookie Mistakes’, they’ll be heading back into the studio soon too, promising more new tunes to come later in the year.


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