SONG: Bertine Zetlitz – ‘Sett At Vi Sier Det Sånn’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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OMG new Bertine Zetlitz. After six albums in English, Bertine Zetlitz will this Spring release her first album in Norwegian. And here’s the first single from it – ‘Sett At Vi Sier Det Sånn’.
Who’s the man?! It features Prepple Houmbs from Dumdum Boys.
This is all a bit different for her isn’t it?! Quite. Out with the electro and the English and in with the atmospheric murder ballads in Norwegian!
Does it still manage to be good? Well there’s absolutely no glossing over the fact that this is going to be something of a disappointment to most fans of Bertine’s music. But it’s still a pretty stunning track. It just doesn’t sound like Bertine. At all.


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