Samsaya: ‘Stereotype’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

SamsayaStereotype e1380827512276

We’ve written about this lady before, but out she’s just come with her best single to date (minus her involvement in Bertine Zetlitz’s ‘Electric Feet’ of course  – “turning on my electric feet, like Hindu eating fresh meat, BOOM BOOM BOOM WAY-OAH” is a Samsaya moment which may never be bettered, quite frankly).

‘Stereotype’ is a clap happy, (late) summer jam that’s infectious in its abilities to induce involuntary movements in the listener. The “oh-oh-oh-oh” chorus helps (doesn’t it always), but even before it gets to that, the music is a light banger that’s pretty instant. An instantly likable, easy listening pop track. Cheers for that.

Samsaya wrote ‘Stereotype’ along with Iain James (‘Wings’ by Little Mix, ‘LOVE KILLS’ FROM THIS YEAR’S EUROVISION!!!) and A*M*E. More from Samsaya here.

‘Stereotype’ is taken from her forthcoming album ‘Bombay Calling’.



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