Röyksopp & Robyn: ‘Monument’ (The Inevitable End version)

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  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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Yesterday, the chaps from Norwegian electro duo Röyksopp popped a nice surprise online. It’s a new (and we must say, mightily improved) version of their collaboration with Robyn, ‘Monument’. They’re calling it The Inevitable End version.

Obviously the original was all well and good (and it was – VERY good), but this new version has more of an almighty kick to it. It just seems a lot more……right. And not only does it sound very Röyksopp (like something from their ‘Junior’ album), it also manages to sound a lot more Robyn too. In particular, that chorus really manages to blow up properly for the first time. And finally, ‘Monument’ comes a lot closer to ‘Do It Again’ in terms of quality and what we were hoping and expecting from the ‘Do It Again’ EP. If they could remake all of the songs from there now too, aside from the title track, that would be awesome ta. Although it seems like the whole idea of this version is to promote the next Röyksopp actually.

Here’s what they had to say about the new ‘Monument’ themselves;

Monument (The Inevitable End Version) represents a bridge between our recent work with Robyn and the new Röyksopp album – it is also an indication of things to come. It includes the Röyksopp trademark bass line that no-one else can achieve… B+B

Below you can listen to the full thing via Spotify, or a lengthy preview via Soundcloud.

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