Rebecca & Fiona feat. Style of Eye: ‘Taken Over’

  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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Immensely popular Swedish dance duo Rebecca & Fiona are back with a new single, the first to be taken from their forthcoming second album. It’s called ‘Taken Over’, it features Style of Eye, and it just this evening had its world premiere on P3 Radio in Sweden.

It’s their first new material in an age! But thankfully they haven’t strayed too far away from the sound of their first album ‘I Love You Man’. It’s dance music with detached, disenchanted vocals that sound like they’re being accompanied by some forcefully gentle head nodding and slight eye rolling. And a bit of sighing. Then all of the above is positively shook awake by a massive instrumental post-chorus. It ALL. GOES. OFF. And then comes back to the girls’ charming and inimitable vocal duties.

‘Taken Over’ is released in Sweden on Monday, but you can already listen to it below. Just click to the 3:06 point.

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