Linus Svenning released his new single ‘Dansa Sakta’ on Friday. And thankfully, after putting out a single about his Father in January (‘Pappa’), one about his brother in February (the massive Melodifestivalen hit ‘Bröder’), and another dedicated to his Mother in May (‘Utan Dig’), he’s finally mixed things up a bit. We always thought that he had the potential to be a good artist once he got over milking all of the goodwill bestowed upon him after ‘Bröder’. And it turns out, he is. ‘Dansa Sakta’ is the best thing he’s released so far. BY far.
It’s a gorgeous ballad that’s big on the drama. Very well produced, starting off as a piano ballad, before breaking out the orchestral elegaanza in time for the chorus. And delivered by Linus Svenning’s trademark yet charming growled emotion. It’s the melody that brings it all home though – a melody that’s big on the sads. And we do love a heartwrenching melody in pop music.
“Because I want to dance slowly with you. Let me feel the music that lives in you”. That’s nice, isn’t it?
The one-trick pony has bolted from the stable and is running free like the stallion he was always meant to be. Keep up the marvellous work, Linus.
Below you can watch Linus perform ‘Dansa Sakta’ live on kids TV show Sommarlov on Friday morning (he also performed on the much bigger Sommarkrysset on Saturday night, but they made him sing the song that everyone already knows, ‘Bröder’ – the sods!) , and below that you can listen to the single via Spotify.