Kate Havnevik: ‘Micronation’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release


Norway’s Kate Havnevik has been quiet since we wrote about her that couple of times in 2012. But it’s all good – she’s back. New album ‘&I’ arrives later this year. And from it, we now get the very first taste. The Guy Sigsworth produced ‘Micronation’.

Naturally, the Guy Sigsworth produced ‘Micronation’ is VERY well produced, at that. A heavy dose of strings is laid on top of an eerie yet camp succession of synths. And although Kate’s voice rises to the occasion that’s been thrown for the song, and arrives to the party suitably attired, it’s actually the instrumental post-chorus section that takes the honour of being the bestest part of the track. It’s fantastic to hear Kate’s vocal in action again though. Just listen to what she does to the chorus.

Our only gripe is that it’s too short. An extended edit would be magical.

The album is expected in September. But ‘Micronation’ is here now;

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