Jessica Andersson: ‘Aldrig Aldrig’

  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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Jessica Andersson’s comeback is in ‘full swing’ at the moment. At the end of August was new single ‘Septembermorgon‘, next week on the 16th arrives new album ‘40.14.4’, and now we get another brand new single from her – ‘Aldrig Aldrig’.

Following on from ‘Septembermorgon’, ‘Aldrig Aldrig’ is a contemporary mid-tempo ballad. It’s got the slightest flavour of country music to it. Upbeat and jaunty in tempo, but with a downbeat and wisened narrative vocal from our Jess. It sounds at least two decades more mature than what we were famously hearing from her one decade ago. And while we may still prefer her older output, we can’t deny that she sounds right at home on her new material. And that’s going to make her new record an enjoyable listen.

Jessica’s album ‘40.14.4’ is released next week in Sweden. And if you live outside of Sweden you can pre-order it on CD from our store.

Below you can listen to ‘Aldrig Aldrig’ in full, by skipping to the 01:35:35 mark;


transLyssna: P4 F\u00f6rmiddag med Peter Olsson och Lillian Porshede 20131010 09:05‘}” alt=”” />


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