INTRODUCING: Linn Kristin – ‘Come Back For Your Love’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

(Photo: Pernille Årving Mørck)

Who? Norwegian newcomer Linn Kristin rose to fame on The Voice earlier this year. Now she’s out with new single ‘Come Back For Your Love’.
What’s it like? We’re pleased to report that she’s made her presence in the pop world known via the medium of an absolute banger. With ‘Come Back To Your Love’, she’s momentarily side-stepped the pop princess route, and given us a straight-up dance track. We love to see it, we love to hear it.
Written by? The artist herself, along with Øyvind Glåmen. Produced by Eivind Wøien and Ola Frøyen.
More from Linn? This is her first single of 2021, and her first since appearing on The Voice – but it’s her third overall. Back in 2020 she released ‘Alt Av Deg‘ and ‘Someone Sometimes‘.

You can find ‘Come Back For Your Love’ on our Best New Dance playlist.

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