Um. Guys? That’s Ola. Well yeah, but after four years away, he’s back and understandably….different. A new sound, a new style, and a new name.
Why Brother Leo? “Dear friends. It’s been 4 years in the making, and I can’t believe it’s finally time to share this with you! 27 July marks a new beginning for me. My first single “Strangers on an Island” will be available! After deconstruction, doubts, and reflection came a need to reinvent, challenge and stretch myself. I promised myself to not play it safe. Life’s too short. My inspiration came from a dream I used to have as a kid. In the dream I had a twin, a fearless free spirit with superpowers. His name was Leo. So I wanted to create a platform to be free, free to be even more me. The fact that I’m exited, terrified, proud, and having all kinds of conflicting emotions at the same time, tells me I’m on the right path. There’s much more to come, don’t be a stranger! It’s you who made this possible!”
Ah. Oh he continues: “The only thing I knew was that if I would do this again, I needed to create something that felt completely new to me. A place where I could feel free to discover, experiment and explore new pages of myself. As Brother Leo challenges I myself, both as an artist and songwriter, in a way I could not, or be ready for the past. In a way, I can be even more myself.”
Written by? Ola Svensson. Produced by Fatboy Slim.
More from Ola? Sorry, Brother Leo. Yes actually. He’s gone and released a b-side to the single as well. ‘Everything On Red‘.
You can find ‘Strangers On An Island’ on our Best New Pop playlist.