Who? Rikard Amskøld from Sweden. He was recently seen in Swedish Idol, but is only now getting around to releasing his debut single, ‘Standby’.
What does Amskøld say? “Standby describes the beginning phase of a relationship where it feels like there is tension between two people, but you aren’t sure what the other person is feeling. It talks about the validation you need from the other person; if this “thing” is real or if it’s better to just move on.”
What does Scandipop say? An impressive introduction to the Swedish talent – instantly showcasing his skill for crafting a memorable melody, and the power and vocal range at which he can perform it.
Written by? Amskøld himself along with Ebba Carlberg. Produced by Jonathan Bellini.
More from Amskøld? He promises lots more music to come in 2020, along with his debut EP.
You can find ‘Standby’ on our Best New Pop playlist.