iida: ‘Life Will Kill You’

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  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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Here’s a song that had an exciting day yesterday, climbing steadily up iTunes until it finally reached number 3. It’s ‘Life Will Kill You’ by a new Swedish singer called iida.

Don’t hate her for not capitalising her name though. Instead, listen to ‘Life Will Kill You’ and allow her to charm the proverbial pants off you with its lush and intricate production, its excitable tempo, and it’s infectious and slightly mad “ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOH-OOH-ooh-ooh” vocals.

iida claims in her biog that she’s “an artist on a mission, building bridges between folk music, classical music
and pop in a simple way“. We’re not quite hearing any classical music making it’s way into this particular song, but we’d certainly love to hear what she had in mind by that in future songs. She also says that her pop influences “come from artists such as Björk, Salem Al Fakir and Joni Mitchell”. And yes, we actually can hear elements of all three in ‘Life Will Kill You’.

‘Life Will Kill You’ was released yesterday through 100 Songs, and is available worldwide digitally.

Life Will Kill You - Single - IIDA


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