And it’s this pair – Greta Salóme & Jónsi with ‘Mundu Eftir Mér’.
It’s all very much “best of a bad bunch”. Although calling the rest of the line-up from this year’s Icelandic pre-selections a “bad bunch” is being generous. It was awful. AWFUL! We can’t remember a Nordic national selection process being so low on quality, since we started following them online in the middle of the last decade. So much TRIPE!
Anyway, Greta Salóme & Jónsi won the whole thing in the end, with their sweet performance. We’re not big fans of the song, truth be told. Although we can at least appreciate the drama-laden string production of it. And perhaps it will grow on us.
Anyway – as we try to forget the cesspit of a competition from which hence it came, here is what Iceland will be sending to the Eurovision Song Contest is May;