Yes, we do realise that posting this directly after an article about the Caramella Girls earlier today, may well result in the beginning of the end of this website as we know it.
The fact is that the below song is currently etched inside the heads of millions of Swedes this month, whether they like it or not. Why? Well because it’s soundtracking the current TV ad campaign for Swedish supermarket giant, ICA. We don’t watch much TV here in Sweden, but a few hours of television on Saturday late afternoon (the film, ‘Last Holiday’, FYI, with Queen Latifah. It was quite good actually and LL Cool J is still hot) resulted in us hearing 30 seconds of this song during practically EVERY ad break. Perhaps knowing full well what they have on their hands here, ICA took the steps of getting a full length song composed, instead of just the standard ad length jingle, PLUS they’ve gone and made a video for it too, starring animated incarnation of two actors that have been appearing in different ICA adverts for quite some time now. Views of the different youtube uploads of both the video and the audio of the song are now adding up to the tens of thousands.
We’re not going to comment on it, we’re not going to say that it’s amazing (although it…………it………..….it…………….no, we just can’t), we’re just putting it out there, ok?! It exists. It’s here. This is what’s going on right now. Ok.
Let’s have a listen shall we;