Erik Hassle: ‘Talk About It’

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  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

ErikHassleTalkAboutIt e1382467378153

Erik Hassle has finally returned to pop music today by premiering his brand new single ‘Talk About It’ over on the Pigeons & Planes website.

Released on November 25th it’s a stark and emotional ballad that at first appears to be WAY too minimal for our liking, but soon builds into a tuneful crescendo of big things. MUCH more up our street, thank you very much. Basically you start off thinking “hmmmmm“, and you end up thinking “wow“.

Pigeons & Planes, as well as premiering the song, have also done a big interview with him – so you should head on over to read it. He can explain this new Erik Hassle music lark better than we can.


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