EP: SVEA – ‘Pity Party’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? Swedish artist SVEA is out with a brand-new EP, ‘Pity Party’. It’s her second, after her debut EP ‘This Is‘.
What’s on it? Two excellent singles, ‘Never Love Me Again’ and ‘All My Exes’, the lead song ‘I’ll Get Better’, plus three new tracks.
What are the new tracks like? ‘Too Much’ is The One! Up there with the singles and instantly amongst the best of her output so far. The title track ‘Pity Party’, meanwhile, serves as a distorted mirror image of the hits on the EP. Much in the same mould, and just as enjoyable, but darker and on the flipside.
What does SVEA say?Pity Party EP is just really what the title says. I’ve written tons of songs about self-dependence, about moving on and enjoying the company of myself. But Pity Party is the other side of the story, where I’ve just been totally honest. I let the listener join my journey when I’ve been sick, reckless, indecisive and destructive. We’re all humans and host our own pity parties sometimes, don’t we? This is mine.

You can find ‘Never Love Me Again’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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