EP: Maia Wright – ‘Firsts’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? Swedish artist Maia Wright is out with her debut EP. She’s called it ‘Firsts’.
What’s on there? Three songs that we’ve already featured on these very pages (the stunner of a retro ballad that is ‘Ride Or Die‘, plus two excellent disco jams from this summer – ‘View‘ and ‘I’m Ready‘), plus two other tracks. One of which is the new single, ‘Love On The Internet’, and the other is ‘Decent’, which is actually – funnily enough…
Don’t say it. PRETTY DAMN DECENT!!!
Ok. What’s the new single like? An engaging bit of storytelling from Maia on which she airs her frustration over trying to find love from behind a screen.
More from Maia? She’s also released a music video for ‘Love On The Internet’.

You can find ‘Love On The Internet’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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