Emma Lewin: ‘Tro, Hopp & Kärlek’

  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

EmmaLewinBild e1337673317607SCHLAGER!

Yes, for it is true. After a parched period of cold turkey, we have a new schlager song to feast upon. ‘Tro, Hopp & Kärlek’ (Faith, Hope & Love) by Emma Lewin. This is a schlager song with a difference though, and one that earns bonus points from us for delving into another musical genre that we adore but which obviously doesn’t get made much anymore over a decade later – 90’s Eurodance! Actually, listening to it again (and again and again), it probably owes more to the latter annals of music than to schlager. It brings with it a certain amount of nostalgia – of holiday resort anthems, of summer night cities, and of rosé wine evening garden parties.

There are plenty of amazing bits, but our own personal favourite is at the 2:23 mark when the key change kicks in. Christ alive.

Emma Lewin has of course already given us the amazing ‘No Excuses‘ this year. So kudos to her for having made 2012 sound like a much better place, twice now.

It’s been written by Niklas Ringström and Linda Sonnvik.

‘Tro, Hopp & Kärlek’ is taking part in a song contest on Sveriges Radio – Svensktoppen Nästa, and has made the final which takes place t – with Emma performing it. And she would probably highly appreciate it if you could cast your vote for her by calling or sending an SMS to +46 (0)99 321 16.

There you go.

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