America is getting a new single from Swedish siren Emilia de Poret next week. To her biggest fans it won’t be new, as it was actually released on her debut album which came out in Spain back in 2009. But to most people, it’s something they’ve never heard before. So that makes it new.
Doesn’t it?
‘Tis called ‘Weightless’ and ‘tis a beautiful and dreamy string laden concoction of the dance music variety. ‘Tisn’t a ‘club banger’, but nor is it trying to be either. Instead, it’s settled for being a subdued and melancholic club chill-out tune. Uplifting, but at the same time quite mellow. To be honest, quite appropriately, it all feels rather weightless!
Her US label Robbins have uploaded a preview for people to listen to, and you can indeed listen to that here. However, below you’ll find a full performance of it from Swedish TV a couple of years ago.