Remember that Emerentia girl who BURST onto the scene early last year with the amazing debut single that was (and still is) ‘Wasting Water’. Well today she has finally (a year and a month later!) released the follow-up single and video, ‘Silver Bullet’.
Good news everyone – ‘Wasting Water’ wasn’t a fluke, and so here we have the arrival of a genuinely exciting new Swedish popstar (there’s ALWAYS room for another one, no matter how many we may already have).
‘Silver Bullet’ is lots like its predecessor, and not just in terms of quality either. It sounds like a fluid continuation of what ‘Wasting Water’ brought to us – the production, the tempo, the vocals, the style, the BIG CHORUS. And actually, speaking of big choruses, this one has two. It’s one of those songs where you think “oh this is a nice chorus” and then an even better one comes along within seconds. Not a post-chorus, an actual second chorus!
Love it. Love her.
New single and video;