Darin: ‘Love Killer’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

Here’s the highest quality video so far of a performance of Darin’s new single ‘Love Killer’. We were left feeling a little disappointed after seeing this performance live on Monday evening, but we’re hoping that the studio version has a lot more magic to it. It was composed by Tony Nilsson who’s been better than ever recently, so this must SURELY be a grower, *clutches at straws*!

CoverHandlerIn other Darin news, Universal Music have listed a new single from him on their website, saying that it’s going to be released this Saturday! It’s called ‘Can’t Stop Love’, and they even include a link where you can order and buy it from! How odd. This is the first we’ve heard of it, and it seems unusual that they would just put a song out there, when all focus is now on another new single, ‘Love Killer’.Perhaps it’s an error. Has anyone else heard anything about this?

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