Daisy: ‘Girl Is Me’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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Remember Swedish dance pop debutante of 2009, Daisy? She came onto the scene with that corker of a debut single that was and still is ‘Everytime‘ – winner of TWO Scandipop Awards once upon a time, no less!

Well she’s been taking her time cooking up a follow-up, hasn’t she? Never mind – today the wait is over, and she premieres a brand new song of hers´, ‘Girl Is Me’. She’s entered it into Sweden’s Metro On Stage competition – and you can listen to it in full here (she’ll probably appreciate it if you click on “rösta” while you’re there, to vote for her too).

‘Girl Is Me’ drops the pop dance that we came to love about her, and replaces it with some attitude laden pop r&b. What we’re liking most about it on the first three listens is its rich, almost kitchen-sink production. Daisy’s vocals are still ‘on point’, and lyrically it brings a lot more to the table than ‘Everytime’ did. Of course it’s not as amazing as ‘Everytime’ is, but then neither have 99.99999999% of singles released since ‘Everytime’. So there you go.

Welcome back Daisy! Don’t leave us for so long next time…



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