Coco: ‘Fucked Up’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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Yesterday, new Swedish popstrel on the block Coco premiered what is to be her second single (and third release if you count her feature on ‘Music Is Turning Me On‘). She’s quite bravely calling it ‘Fucked Up’.

‘Fucked Up’ sees the former Love Generation scarlet starlet move into big ballad territory. Big on the beats, big on the emotion, and a great big pull of the heartstrings too. Very atmospheric and a little bit chilling while it’s at it. We’re really liking this one, and in particular love her vocals on it. We’re also loving the speed at which she’s moving with each release, for such an independent artist. Keep ’em coming, Coco aka Mikaela Urbom.

Check out her previous single ‘Watch Your Bitch‘ too, if you’ve not yet. And obviously do check out ‘Fucked Up’ since you’re here and all;

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